Life can be complicated enough. The business of living can sometimes feel tough. Lots of people put off day to day admin. Planning what happens in the event of death is something people routinely put off. We help you sort it, simply, so you can focus on the business of enjoying life.

Very few people truly understand what really happens when you pass away. There are many factors to consider.

  • Do you have young children?

  • How do you own your home?

  • Are you a business owner?

  • Will you need to pay inheritance tax?

Unfortunately, estate planning and protection can seem complicated, full of jargon and daunting. At Inheriti we are specialists in this area, focused on making the whole process as easy as possible and always jargon free. We never charge for our advice and always ensure the best legal experts for your circumstances are involved.

We make it easy so you stop putting it off.

We’re not here to beat around the bush! Discussing and planning your death is not pleasant. It’s also critical you get it right. That’s why you put it off. We are the experts. Our friendly, ‘no jargon’ team are here to make it easy for you every step of the way. So you can get back to the business of living, knowing you are in control of your families future, whatever it may bring.

Stop putting it off and let our team of experts make the daunting easy.

Wills & Will based Trusts

It all begins with a Standard Will. This will allow you to name who looks after your wishes, choose who should raise your children and point your assets in the right direction to those you love. There are many different Will types, we will help guide you to the right one for you.

Why do you need a Will? Simply put, it is so you have complete control over your assets should you die. Without a Will, your assets will be divided according to the law. This may mean that those you intend to benefit from your estate may not. It also may mean if you have children under 18 the Government takes control of how your assets are distributed. You have worked hard to provide security for your loved ones, make sure you take control, today, and ensure in the sad event of your death your assets are divided according to your wishes. Let Inheriti’s trained consultants and legal experts make the process easy for you from start to finish. We’ll even arrange for secure storage of your documents for added peace of mind!

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

Nobody likes the idea of losing their marbles, but loss of mental capacity affects a significant proportion of society. If you suffer a loss of mental capacity without a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, your family will have to apply to court to have a deputy appointed to make everyday financial decisions for you. This is not only a lengthy and expensive process for your family to undertake, it’s also emotionally draining in a time when they would rather focus on caring for you.

The good news is, if you already have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place beforehand, you don’t have to go through this and your family can focus on caring for you. So to ensure you choose the person you trust and want to make important decisions about your finances or health and care in the event you aren’t able to, talk to Inheritis advisors today about creating a Property and Finance and Health and Welfare LPA.

Living Trusts & Other Products

Sometimes a Will on its own isn’t enough. Especially if you own your property outright or have a large estate. That’s where we come in. Our friendly team of experts can help draft a Trust that is perfect for your needs. Maybe you want to have assets move into Trust immediately, before you pass. Or you wish to make a gift to a child but don’t want to risk their partner benefiting from that gift should they divorce. Whatever the problem, we will usually have a simple solution or can point you in the right direction. Whatever your concern, we’ve probably heard it before so don’t hesitate to let us know. It’s why we’re here.

Whatever your age, getting the right advice and a Will that works for you, means you can get back to the fun things life has to offer, knowing when you're not around to support them you still are.


— Bob, Norwich

Still not sure you should be starting your Will today?

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